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PrispevekObjavljeno: 26 Jun 2019 10:07    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

JERUSALEM — A Palestinian motorist with a history of anti-Israel violence slammed his car into a crowded train station in Jerusalem on Wednesday Vita Vea Womens Jersey , killing a three-month-old baby girl and wounding eight people in what police called a terror attack.

The incident came after months of tensions between Jews and Palestinians in east Jerusalem — the section of the city claimed by the Palestinians as their future capital. The area has experienced unrest and near-daily attacks on the city's light rail by Palestinian youths since a wave of violence over the summer, capped by a 50-day war between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza.

The car struck the train station near the national headquarters of Israel's police force. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the driver got out of the car and tried to flee before he was shot by a police officer.

He said footage captured by security cameras indicated the driver deliberately struck people waiting at the stop. "We look at this incident as a terrorist attack," he said. He said the area was cordoned off and forensic and bomb disposal experts were on the scene examining the car.

The footage, posted on the Ynet news site, showed the car turning out of moving traffic and heading straight into the station Authentic Ali Marpet Jersey , accelerating while plowing through several rows of people.

Dr. Yaakov Barkun of Hadassah Medical Center said a 3-month-old girl injured in the attack later died of her wounds.

"She is a pure baby girl who hasn't done anything bad to anyone," Shimshon Halperin, the girl's grandfather, told Channel 2 TV. "She was murdered for no reason."

Rosenfeld said the driver, a resident of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan Authentic Donovan Smith Jersey , was in serious condition. He added that the driver "has served time in Israeli prison for terrorism."

Silwan, a predominantly Arab neighborhood, has seen tensions spike in recent weeks since Jewish nationalists moved into several homes in Arab areas.

The home sales have been facilitated by nationalist Jewish groups intent on solidifying the Jewish presence in east Jerusalem. Palestinians, who seek east Jerusalem as their capital, consider the arrival of their Jewish neighbors to be a provocation.

East Jerusalem has experienced months of unrest since a wave of violence erupted over the summer. Train passengers have reported Palestinians attacking the carriages with rocks and other violence.

The unrest began with the kidnapping and killings of three teenage Israelis in the West Bank in June by a pair of Hamas operatives. Several weeks later Authentic Vernon Hargreaves III Jersey , Jewish extremists kidnapped and burned to death a Palestinian teenager in east Jerusalem. Then, on July 8, Israel launched its war against Hamas in Gaza in response to heavy rocket fire.

East Jerusalem is home to Jerusalem's more than 200,000 Arab residents, as well as 200 Authentic Chris Godwin Jersey ,000 Israelis.

Israel captured east Jerusalem, along with the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in the 1967 Mideast war and annexed the area as part of its capital — a step that has not been recognized internationally. The Palestinians seek east Jerusalem as the capital of a future state that would also include the West Bank and Gaza.

DETROIT, the United States, June 19 (Xinhua) -- More than 3 Authentic Justin Evans Jersey ,000 small- and medium-sized U.S. businesses and entrepreneurs flocked to Detroit on Monday, as they sought opportunities to reach out to millions of Chinese consumers.

The once deserted motor city came to life as people from 48 states across the country flew in to attend Gateway' 17, a conference held by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.

The conference, which will take place on June 20-21, will feature presentations and breakout sessions aimed at educating attendees on what and how to sell to China Authentic O. J. Howard Jersey , especially through e-commerce platforms, so that they can grow their businesses and go global.

The number of attendees tripled conference organisers' original expectation. A Marriott hotel located in downtown Detroit received more than 700 guests on Monday, most of them came for the conference.

According to Alibaba, the participants are primarily from product categories most popular among Chinese consumers such as fashion and apparel, fast-moving consumer goods Authentic Carlton Davis Jersey , electronics, household products, and fresh food.

The e-commerce company chose Detroit for a reason. The small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) there have the potential to lead cross-border e-commerce and set an example for SMEs around the world, Alibaba said.

The company added that Michigan, traditionally a manufacturing and agricultural state Authentic Vita Vea Jersey , may also be able the seize the opportunity to revitalise its economy.

China is the world's largest online shopping market, with about 467 million online consumers spending about 26.1 trillion yuan (3.83 trillion U.S. dollars) last year, up 19.8 percent year on year.

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