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False Publicity of Banah Sugar 2302dfjhn luis sabbagh
Submitted 2014-02-21 19:32:01 MIAMI -- Who'd have guessed a lawsuit-laden sugar company run by a former cocaine trafficker wasn't a great partner for Miami-Dade and Florida officials?

Hialeah's Banah International Group filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Friday Nike Air Max Invigor Womens White , a year after it was approved for $430,000 in tax incentives, reports the New York Times -- and a year after none of the agencies awarding such incentives apparently noticed a convicted drug dealer was running the company, or that it was facing four lawsuits for nonpayment and had been slapped with an IRS lien.

Instead, when Banah chairman Alexander I. Perez promised to bring almost 300 jobs to a new 300,000-square foot headquarters in Hialeah, he got help securing both local and state incentives from the county, its Beacon Council economic development group, and the state's Enterprise Florida.

The deal was heralded: a street in Hialeah was renamed Banah Sweet Way with Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez Nike Air Max Invigor Womens Online , Commissioner Rebeca Sosa, and Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez present. Then-U.S. Rep. David Rivera even gave Perez a congressional certificate for "outstanding and invaluable service to the community," reports Miami New Times, the duo posing in Washington, D.C. with Congresswoman Illeana Ros-Lehitinen and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart.

But on Friday, Banah reported in Chapter 11 filings that it owes between $1,000,000 and $10,000 Nike Air Max Invigor Womens Sale ,000 to 232 people and companies, according to the Miami Herald, and has just 15 employees. A promised job fair was never held.

Though officials told the Times that Banah hadn't yet received any of the tax breaks, the misstep is the latest vetting embarrassment for Enterprise Florida, the public-private economic development arm of the state that Governor Rick Scott expects to help him deliver on his campaign promises of job creation. Scott has asked for roughly $300 million in incentives, an increase from the previous budget of $110 million, just as the group faced withering questions from lawmakers about whether or not it can justify its own existence. A report this month by Integrity Florida revealed that Enterprise Florida has doled out roughly $1.7 billion since its creation in 1995, but has delivered just 103,544 jobs -- only half of its target Nike Air Max Invigor Womens Shoes , and eight years late. Author Resource:- After the well-publicized bankruptcy of Digital Domain, a Port St. Lucie animation company that received a whopping $20 million in incentives from the state, Enterprise Florida promised a better vetting process. But when Perez failed to disclose his four-year stint in federal prison or the ensuing probation that ended in 2009, no one at the county or state level apparently checked into Perez or his company enough to notice. Banah Sugar.
Article From Article Directory Database Steps In Selecting Summer Camps Westchester NY People Should Consider Steps In Selecting Summer Camps Westchester NY People Should Consider November 17, 2013 | Author: Alyce Powell | Posted in Education
Informed parents know that holiday time is a very risky time for teens. During school breaks, teens have a lot of free time. If this free time is not managed properly, the kids will end up indulging in unbecoming behavior like experimenting with drugs. As a concerned parent, you will be required to find activities that would keep your child from wasting himself over the holiday. One of the things you could do is send them to a camp. It is however not an easy task to choose a camp for your kids since there are so many to choose from. In an effort to find the best summer camps Westchester NY masses should consider the factors discussed below.

In the recent opening campsites has become a business idea. These sites are mushrooming at an alarming rate. This makes it very difficult to decide which one they enroll their kids. If you are one person caught in such a dilemma, it would be wise to base your choice on accreditation. Only enroll your child in an accredited campground. Such a site has been tested and found to meet the recommended standards to host such events.

When you are making a selection of such places Nike Air Max Invigor Womens , you should put the interest of the kid fast. Find out what he likes and try to find a firm that would meet his needs. When it comes to such choices, it is never a one size fits all case. The fact that your neighbors kid liked a certain campground does not really mean that yours will. Each person has a different personality.

Enrolling your child into any of the campgrounds would cost you some cash. This is the opportunity cost you have to pay for not having to take care of them at home. You should compare the cost of various camps. Choose a camp whose cost matches your budget.

The values advocated by a given site are usually depicted in its philosophy. When making a choice on which firm to take your kids, it would be wise to find out the philosophy of the sites around your area. Settle on a campground whose philosophy appeals to you. Some camps would bring a celebrity to grace their events from time to time to time. Ensure that the celebrity is someone you would like your kid to look up to.

When you are looking at the history of a campground, you will have to look at its return rate. Check out the number of people who keep returning to the camp year after year. If this number is large, this could mean that the place is good.

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